On-Robot Telemetry Recording Into Data Logs#

By default, no telemetry data is recorded (saved) on the robot. The DataLogManager class provides a convenient wrapper around the lower-level DataLog class for on-robot recording of telemetry data into data logs. The WPILib data logs are binary for size and speed reasons. In general, the data log facilities provided by WPILib have minimal overhead to robot code, as all file I/O is performed on a separate thread–the log operation consists of mainly a mutex acquisition and copying the data.

Structure of Data Logs#

Similar to NetworkTables, data logs have the concept of entries with string identifiers (keys) with a specified data type. Unlike NetworkTables, the data type cannot be changed after the entry is created, and entries also have metadata–an arbitrary (but typically JSON) string that can be used to convey additional information about the entry such as the data source or data schema. Also unlike NetworkTables, data log operation is unidirectional–the DataLog class can only write data logs (it does not support read-back of written values) and the DataLogReader class can only read data logs (it does not support changing values in the data log).

Data logs consist of a series of timestamped records. Control records allow starting, finishing, or changing the metadata of entries, and data records record data value changes. Timestamps are stored in integer microseconds; when running on the RoboRIO, the FPGA timestamp is used (the same timestamp returned by Timer.getFPGATimestamp()).


For more information on the details of the data log file format, see the WPILib Data Log File Format Specification.

Standard Data Logging using DataLogManager#

The DataLogManager class (Java, C++, Python) provides a centralized data log that provides automatic data log file management. It automatically cleans up old files when disk space is low and renames the file based either on current date/time or (if available) competition match number. The data file will be saved to a USB flash drive in a folder called logs if one is attached, or to /home/lvuser/logs otherwise.


USB flash drives need to be formatted as FAT32 to work with the roboRIO. NTFS or exFAT formatted drives will not work.

Log files are initially named FRC_TBD_{random}.wpilog until the DS connects. After the DS connects, the log file is renamed to FRC_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss.wpilog (where the date/time is UTC). If the FMS is connected and provides a match number, the log file is renamed to FRC_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_{event}_{match}.wpilog.

On startup, all existing log files where a DS has not been connected will be deleted. If there is less than 50 MB of free space on the target storage, FRC_ log files are deleted (oldest to newest) until there is 50 MB free OR there are 10 files remaining.

The most basic usage of DataLogManager only requires a single line of code (typically this would be called from robotInit). This will record all NetworkTables changes to the data log.

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DataLogManager;

// Starts recording to data log
#include "frc/DataLogManager.h"

// Starts recording to data log
from wpilib import DataLogManager


DataLogManager provides a convenience function (DataLogManager.log()) for logging of text messages to the messages entry in the data log. The message is also printed to standard output, so this can be a replacement for System.out.println().

DataLogManager also records the current roboRIO system time (in UTC) to the data log every ~5 seconds to the systemTime entry in the data log. This can be used to (roughly) synchronize the data log with other records such as DS logs or match video.

For custom logging, the managed DataLog can be accessed via DataLogManager.getLog().

Logging Joystick Data#

DataLogManager by default does not record joystick data. The DriverStation class provides support for logging of DS control and joystick data via the startDataLog() function:

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DataLogManager;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DriverStation;

// Starts recording to data log

// Record both DS control and joystick data

// (alternatively) Record only DS control data
DriverStation.startDataLog(DataLogManager.getLog(), false);
#include "frc/DataLogManager.h"
#include "frc/DriverStation.h"

// Starts recording to data log

// Record both DS control and joystick data

// (alternatively) Record only DS control data
DriverStation::StartDataLog(DataLogManager::GetLog(), false);
from wpilib import DataLogManager, DriverStation

# Starts recording to data log

# Record both DS control and joystick data

# (alternatively) Record only DS control data
DriverStation.startDataLog(DataLogManager.getLog(), False)

Custom Data Logging using DataLog#

The DataLog class (Java, C++, Python) and its associated LogEntry classes (e.g. BooleanLogEntry, DoubleLogEntry, etc) provides low-level access for writing data logs.


Unlike NetworkTables, there is no change checking performed. Every call to a LogEntry.append() function will result in a record being written to the data log. Checking for changes and only appending to the log when necessary is the responsibility of the caller.

The LogEntry classes can be used in conjunction with DataLogManager to record values only to a data log and not to NetworkTables:

import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.BooleanLogEntry;
import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.DataLog;
import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.DoubleLogEntry;
import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.StringLogEntry;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.DataLogManager;

BooleanLogEntry myBooleanLog;
DoubleLogEntry myDoubleLog;
StringLogEntry myStringLog;

public void robotInit() {
  // Starts recording to data log

  // Set up custom log entries
  DataLog log = DataLogManager.getLog();
  myBooleanLog = new BooleanLogEntry(log, "/my/boolean");
  myDoubleLog = new DoubleLogEntry(log, "/my/double");
  myStringLog = new StringLogEntry(log, "/my/string");

public void teleopPeriodic() {
  if (...) {
    // Only log when necessary
#include "frc/DataLogManager.h"
#include "wpi/DataLog.h"

wpi::log::BooleanLogEntry myBooleanLog;
wpi::log::DoubleLogEntry myDoubleLog;
wpi::log::StringLogEntry myStringLog;

void RobotInit() {
  // Starts recording to data log

  // Set up custom log entries
  wpi::log::DataLog& log = frc::DataLogManager::GetLog();
  myBooleanLog = wpi::Log::BooleanLogEntry(log, "/my/boolean");
  myDoubleLog = wpi::log::DoubleLogEntry(log, "/my/double");
  myStringLog = wpi::log::StringLogEntry(log, "/my/string");

void TeleopPeriodic() {
  if (...) {
    // Only log when necessary
from wpilib import DataLogManager, TimedRobot
from wpiutil.log import (

class MyRobot(TimedRobot):
    def robotInit(self):
        # Starts recording to data log

        # Set up custom log entries
        log = DataLogManager.getLog()
        self.myBooleanLog = BooleanLogEntry(log, "/my/boolean")
        self.myDoubleLog = DoubleLogEntry(log, "/my/double")
        self.myStringLog = StringLogEntry(log, "/my/string")

    def teleopPeriodic(self):
        if ...:
            # Only log when necessary