Migrating from NetworkTables 3.0 to NetworkTables 4.0#

NetworkTables 4.0 (new for 2023) has a number of significant API breaking changes from NetworkTables 3.0, the version of NetworkTables used from 2016-2022.


While NetworkTableEntry can still be used (for backwards compatibility), users are encouraged to migrate to use of type-specific Publisher/Subscriber/Entry classes as appropriate, or if necessary, GenericEntry (see Publishing and Subscribing to a Topic. It’s important to note that unlike NetworkTableEntry, these classes need to have appropriate lifetime management. Some functionality (e.g. persistent settings) has also moved to Topic properties (see NetworkTables Tables and Topics).

NT3 code (was):

public class Example {
  final NetworkTableEntry yEntry;
  final NetworkTableEntry outEntry;

  public Example() {
    NetworkTableInstance inst = NetworkTableInstance.getDefault();

    // get the subtable called "datatable"
    NetworkTable datatable = inst.getTable("datatable");

    // get the entry in "datatable" called "Y"
    yEntry = datatable.getEntry("Y");

    // get the entry in "datatable" called "Out"
    outEntry = datatable.getEntry("Out");

  public void periodic() {
    // read a double value from Y, and set Out to that value multiplied by 2
    double value = yEntry.getDouble(0.0);  // default to 0
    outEntry.setDouble(value * 2);
class Example {
  nt::NetworkTableEntry yEntry;
  nt::NetworkTableEntry outEntry;

  Example() {
    nt::NetworkTableInstance inst = nt::NetworkTableInstance::GetDefault();

    // get the subtable called "datatable"
    auto datatable = inst.GetTable("datatable");

    // get the entry in "datatable" called "Y"
    yEntry = datatable->GetEntry("Y");

    // get the entry in "datatable" called "Out"
    outEntry = datatable->GetEntry("Out");

  void Periodic() {
    // read a double value from Y, and set Out to that value multiplied by 2
    double value = yEntry.GetDouble(0.0);  // default to 0
    outEntry.SetDouble(value * 2);
class Example:
    def __init__(self):
        inst = ntcore.NetworkTableInstance.getDefault()

        # get the subtable called "datatable"
        datatable = inst.getTable("datatable")

        # get the entry in "datatable" called "Y"
        self.yEntry = datatable.getEntry("Y")

        # get the entry in "datatable" called "Out"
        self.outEntry = datatable.getEntry("Out")

    def periodic(self):
        # read a double value from Y, and set Out to that value multiplied by 2
        value = self.yEntry.getDouble(0.0)  # default to 0
        self.outEntry.setDouble(value * 2)

Recommended NT4 equivalent (should be):

public class Example {
  final DoubleSubscriber ySub;
  final DoublePublisher outPub;

  public Example() {
    NetworkTableInstance inst = NetworkTableInstance.getDefault();

    // get the subtable called "datatable"
    NetworkTable datatable = inst.getTable("datatable");

    // subscribe to the topic in "datatable" called "Y"
    // default value is 0
    ySub = datatable.getDoubleTopic("Y").subscribe(0.0);

    // publish to the topic in "datatable" called "Out"
    outPub = datatable.getDoubleTopic("Out").publish();

  public void periodic() {
    // read a double value from Y, and set Out to that value multiplied by 2
    double value = ySub.get();
    outPub.set(value * 2);

  // often not required in robot code, unless this class doesn't exist for
  // the lifetime of the entire robot program, in which case close() needs to be
  // called to stop subscribing
  public void close() {
class Example {
  nt::DoubleSubscriber ySub;
  nt::DoublePublisher outPub;

  Example() {
    nt::NetworkTableInstance inst = nt::NetworkTableInstance::GetDefault();

    // get the subtable called "datatable"
    auto datatable = inst.GetTable("datatable");

    // subscribe to the topic in "datatable" called "Y"
    // default value is 0
    ySub = datatable->GetDoubleTopic("Y").Subscribe(0.0);

    // publish to the topic in "datatable" called "Out"
    outPub = datatable->GetDoubleTopic("Out").Publish();

  void Periodic() {
    // read a double value from Y, and set Out to that value multiplied by 2
    double value = ySub.Get();
    outPub.Set(value * 2);
class Example:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        inst = ntcore.NetworkTableInstance.getDefault()

        # get the subtable called "datatable"
        datatable = inst.getTable("datatable")

        # subscribe to the topic in "datatable" called "Y"
        # default value is 0
        self.ySub = datatable.getDoubleTopic("Y").subscribe(0.0)

        # publish to the topic in "datatable" called "Out"
        self.outPub = datatable.getDoubleTopic("Out").publish()

    def periodic(self):
        # read a double value from Y, and set Out to that value multiplied by 2
        value = self.ySub.get()
        self.outPub.set(value * 2)

    # often not required in robot code, unless this class doesn't exist for
    # the lifetime of the entire robot program, in which case close() needs to be
    # called to stop subscribing
    def close(self):


In WPILib’s Shuffleboard classes, usage of NetworkTableEntry has been replaced with use of GenericEntry. In C++, since GenericEntry is non-copyable, return values now return a reference rather than a value.

Force Set Operations#

Force set operations have been removed, as it’s no longer possible to change a topic’s type once it’s been published. In most cases calls to forceSet can simply be replaced with set, but more complex scenarios may require a different design approach (e.g. splitting into different topics).


The separate connection, value, and log listeners/events have been unified into a single listener/event. The NetworkTable-level listeners have also been removed. Listeners in many cases can be replaced with subscriber readQueue() calls, but if listeners are still required, they can be used via NetworkTableInstance (see Listening for Changes for more information).

Client/Server Operations#

Starting a NetworkTable server now requires specifying both the NT3 port and the NT4 port. For a NT4-only server, the NT3 port can be specified as 0.

A NetworkTable client can only operate in NT3 mode or NT4 mode, not both (there is no provision for automatic fallback). As such, the startClient() call has been replaced by startClient3() and startClient4(). The client must also specify a unique name for itself–the server will reject connection attempts with duplicate names.

C++ Changes#

C++ values are now returned/used as value objects (plain nt::Value) instead of shared pointers to them (std::shared_ptr<nt::Value>).