The Java Units Library#

The units library is a tool that helps programmers avoid mistakes related to units of measurement. It does this by keeping track of the units of measurement, and by ensuring that all operations are performed with the correct units. This can help to prevent errors that can lead to incorrect results, such as adding a distance in inches to a distance in meters.

An added benefit is readability and maintainability, which also reduces bugs. By making the units of measurement explicit in your code, it becomes easier to read and understand what your code is doing. This can also help to make your code more maintainable, as it is easier to identify and fix errors related to units of measurement.

The units library has a number of features:

  • A set of predefined units, such as meters, degrees, and seconds.

  • The ability to convert between different units.

  • Support for performing arithmetic and comparisons on quantities with units.

  • Support for displaying quantities with units in a human-readable format.



Dimensions represent the nature of a physical quantity, such as length, time, or mass. They are independent of any specific unit system. For example, the dimension of meters is length, regardless of whether the length is expressed in meters, millimeters, or inches.


Units are specific realizations of dimensions. They are the way of expressing physical quantities. Each dimension has a base unit, such as the meter for length, the second for time, the kilogram for mass. Derived units are formed by combining base units, such as meters per second for velocity.


Measures are the specific magnitude of physical quantities, expressed in a particular unit. For example, 5 meters is a measure of distance.

These concepts are used within the Units Library. For example, the measure 10 seconds has a magnitude of 10, the dimension is time, and the unit is seconds.

Using the Units Library#

The Java units library is available in the edu.wpi.first.units package. The most relevant classes are:

  • The various classes for predefined dimensions, such as Distance and Time

  • Units, which contains a set of predefined units. Take a look a the Units javadoc to browse the available units and their types.

  • Measure, which is used to tag a value with a unit.


It is recommended to static import edu.wpi.first.units.Units.* to get full access to all the predefined units.

Java Generics#

Units of measurement can be complex expressions involving various dimension, such as distance, time, and velocity. Nested generic type parameters allow for the definition of units that can represent such complex expressions. Generics are used to keep the library concise, reusable, and extensible, but it tends to be verbose due to the syntax for Java generics.

For instance, consider the type Measure<Velocity<Distance>>. This type represents a measurement for velocity, where the velocity itself is expressed as a unit of distance per unit of time. This nested structure allows for the representation of units like meters per second or feet per minute. Similarly, the type Measure<Per<Voltage, Velocity<Distance>>> represents a measurement for a ratio of voltage to velocity. This type is useful for representing quantities like volts per meter per second, the unit of measure for some feedforward gains.

It’s important to note that not all measurements require such complex nested types. For example, the type Measure<Distance> is sufficient for representing simple units like meters or feet. However, for more complex units, the use of nested generic type parameters is essential.

For local variables, you may choose to use Java’s var keyword instead of including the full type name. For example, these are equivalent:

Measure<Per<Voltage, Velocity<Distance>>> v = VoltsPerMeterPerSecond.of(8);
var v = VoltsPerMeterPerSecond.of(8);

Creating Measures#

The Measure class is a generic type that represents a magnitude (physical quantity) with its corresponding unit. It provides a consistent and type-safe way to handle different dimensions of measurements, such as distance, angle, and velocity, but abstracts away the particular unit (e.g. meter vs. inch). To create a Measure object, you call the Unit.of method on the appropriate unit object. For example, to create a Measure<Distance> object representing a distance of 6 inches, you would write:

Measure<Distance> wheelDiameter = Inches.of(6);

Other measures can also be created using their Unit.of method:

Measure<Mass> kArmMass = Kilograms.of(1.423);
Measure<Distance> kArmLength = Inches.of(32.25);
Measure<Angle> kMinArmAngle = Degrees.of(5);
Measure<Angle> kArmMaxTravel = Rotations.of(0.45);
Measure<Velocity<Distance>> kMaxSpeed = MetersPerSecond.of(2.5);

Performing Calculations#

The Measure class also supports arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These are done by calling methods on the objects. These operations always ensure that the units are compatible before performing the calculation, and they return a new Measure object. For example, you can add two Measure<Distance> objects together, even if they have different units:

Measure<Distance> distance1 = Inches.of(10);
Measure<Distance> distance2 = Meters.of(0.254);

Measure<Distance> totalDistance =;

In this code, the units library will automatically convert the measures to the same unit before adding the two distances. The resulting totalDistance object will be a new Measure<Distance> object that has a value of 0.508 meters, or 20 inches.

This example combines the wheel diameter and gear ratio to calcualate the distance per rotation of the wheel:

Measure<Distance> wheelDiameter = Inches.of(3);
double gearRatio = 10.48;
Measure<Distance> distancePerRotation = wheelDiameter.times(Math.PI).divide(gearRatio);


By default, arithmetic operations create new Measure instances for their results. See Java Garbage Collection for discussion on creating a large number of short-lived objects. See also, the Mutability and Object Creation section below for a possible workaround.

Converting Units#

Unit conversions can be done by calling The Java type system will prevent units from being converted between incompatible types, such as distances to angles. The returned values will be bare double values without unit information - it is up to you, the programmer, to interpret them correctly! It is strongly recommended to only use unit conversions when interacting with APIs that do not support the units library.

Measure<Velocity<Distance>> kMaxVelocity = FeetPerSecond.of(12.5);
Measure<Velocity<Velocity<Distance>>> kMaxAcceleration = FeetPerSecond.per(Second).of(22.9);; // => OK! Returns 3.81; // => Compile error! Velocity<Angle> cannot be converted to Unit<Velocity<Distance>>

// The WPILib math libraries use SI metric units, so we have to convert to meters:
TrapezoidProfile.Constraints kDriveConstraints = new TrapezoidProfile.Constraints(,

Usage Example#

Pulling all of the concepts together, we can create an example that calculates the end effector position of an arm mechanism:

Measure<Distance> armLength = Feet.of(3).plus(Inches.of(4.25));
Measure<Distance> endEffectorX = armLength.times(Math.cos(getArmAngle().in(Radians)));
Measure<Distance> endEffectorY = armLength.times(Math.sin(getArmAngle().in(Radians)));

Human-readable Formatting#

The Measure class has methods that can be used to get a human-readable representation of the measure. This feature is useful to display a measure on a dashboard or in logs.

  • toString() and toShortString() return a string representation of the measure in a shorthand form. The symbol of the backing unit is used, rather than the full name, and the magnitude is represented in scientific notation. For example, 1.234e+04 V/m

  • toLongString() returns a string representation of the measure in a longhand form. The name of the backing unit is used, rather than its symbol, and the magnitude is represented in a full string, not scientific notation. For example, 1234 Volt per Meter

Mutability and Object Creation#

To reduce the number of object instances you create, and reduce memory usage, a special MutableMeasure class is available. You may want to consider using mutable objects if you are using the units library repeatedly, such as in the robot’s periodic loop. See Java Garbage Collection for more discussion on creating a large number of short-lived objects.

MutableMeasure allows the internal state of the object to be updated, such as with the results of arithmetic operations, to avoid allocating new objects. Special care needs to be taken when mutating a measure because it will change the value every place that instance is referenced. If the object will be exposed as part of a public method, have that method return a regular Measure in its signature to prevent the caller from modifying your internal state.

Extra methods are available on MutableMeasure for updating the internal value. Note that these methods all begin with the mut_ prefix - this is to make it obvious that these methods will be mutating the object and are potentially unsafe! For the full list of methods and API documentation, see the MutableMeasure API documentation

mut_plus(double, Unit)

Increments the internal value by an amount in another unit. The internal unit will stay the same


Increments the internal value by another measurement. The internal unit will stay the same

mut_minus(double, Unit)

Decrements the internal value by an amount in another unit. The internal unit will stay the same


Decrements the internal value by another measurement. The internal unit will stay the same


Multiplies the internal value by a scalar


Divides the internal value by a scalar

mut_replace(double, Unit)

Overrides the internal state and sets it to equal the given value and unit


Overrides the internal state to make it identical to the given measurement


Overrides the internal value, keeping the internal unit. Be careful when using this!

MutableMeasure<Distance> measure =;
measure.mut_plus(10, Inches);    // 0.8333 feet
measure.mut_plus(Inches.of(10)); // 1.6667 feet
measure.mut_minus(5, Inches);    // 1.25 feet
measure.mut_minus(Inches.of(5)); // 0.8333 feet
measure.mut_times(6);            // 0.8333 * 6 = 5 feet
measure.mut_divide(5);           // 5 / 5 = 1 foot
measure.mut_replace(6.2, Meters) // 6.2 meters - note the unit changed!
measure.mut_replace(Millimeters.of(14.2)) // 14.2mm - the unit changed again!
measure.mut_setMagnitude(72)     // 72mm

Revisiting the arm example from above, we can use mut_replace - and, optionally, mut_times - to calculate the end effector position

import edu.wpi.first.units.Measure;
import edu.wpi.first.units.MutableMeasure;
import static edu.wpi.first.units.Units.*;

public class Arm {
  // Note the two ephemeral object allocations for the Feet.of and Inches.of calls.
  // Because this is a constant value computed just once, they will easily be garbage collected without
  // any problems with memory use or loop timing jitter.
  private static final Measure<Distance> kArmLength = Feet.of(3).plus(Inches.of(4.25));

  // Angle and X/Y locations will likely be called in the main robot loop, let's store them in a MutableMeasure
  // to avoid allocating lots of short-lived objects
  private final MutableMeasure<Angle> m_angle =;
  private final MutableMeasure<Distance> m_endEffectorX =;
  private final MutableMeasure<Distance> m_endEffectorY =;

  private final Encoder m_encoder = new Encoder(...);

  public Measure<Distance> getEndEffectorX() {
      Math.cos(getAngle().in(Radians)) *, // the new magnitude to store
      Feet // the units of the new magnitude
    return m_endEffectorX;

  public Measure<Distance> getEndEffectorY() {
    // An alternative approach so we don't have to unpack and repack the units
    return m_endEffectorY;

  public Measure<Angle> getAngle() {
    double rawAngle = m_encoder.getPosition();
    m_angle.mut_replace(rawAngle, Degrees); // NOTE: the encoder must be configured with distancePerPulse in terms of degrees!
    return m_angle;


MutableMeasure objects can - by definition - change their values at any time! It is unsafe to keep a stateful reference to them - prefer to extract a value using the method, or create a copy with Measure.copy that can be safely stored. For the same reason, library authors must also be careful about methods accepting Measure.

Can you spot the bug in this code?

private Measure<Distance> m_lastDistance;

public Measure<Distance> calculateDelta(Measure<Distance> currentDistance) {
  if (m_lastDistance == null) {
    m_lastDistance = currentDistance;
    return currentDistance;
  } else {
    Measure<Distance> delta = currentDistance.minus(m_lastDistance);
    m_lastDistance = currentDistance;
    return delta;

If we run the calculateDelta method a few times, we can see a pattern:

MutableMeasure<Distance> distance =;
distance.mut_plus(10, Inches);
calculateDelta(distance); // expect 10 inches and get 10 - good!

distance.mut_plus(2, Inches);
calculateDelta(distance); // expect 2 inches, but get 0 instead!

distance.mut_plus(8, Inches);
calculateDelta(distance); // expect 8 inches, but get 0 instead!

This is because the m_lastDistance field is a reference to the same MutableMeasure object as the input! Effectively, the delta is calculated as (currentDistance - currentDistance) on every call after the first, which naturally always returns zero. One solution would be to track m_lastDistance as a copy of the input measure to take a snapshot; however, this approach does incur one extra object allocation for the copy. If you need to be careful about object allocations, m_lastDistance could also be stored as a MutableMeasure.

private Measure<Distance> m_lastDistance;

public Measure<Distance> calculateDelta(Measure<Distance> currentDistance) {
  if (m_lastDistance == null) {
    m_lastDistance = currentDistance.copy();
    return currentDistance;
  } else {
    var delta = currentDistance.minus(m_lastDistance);
    m_lastDistance = currentDistance.copy();
    return delta;
private final MutableMeasure<Distance> m_lastDistance =;
private final MutableMeasure<Distance> m_delta =;

public Measure<Distance> calculateDelta(Measure<Distance> currentDistance) {
  // m_delta = currentDistance - m_lastDistance
  return m_delta;

Defining New Units#

There are four ways to define a new unit that isn’t already present in the library:

  • Using the Unit.per or Unit.mult methods to create a composite of two other units;

  • Using the Milli, Micro, and Kilo helper methods;

  • Using the derive method and customizing how the new unit relates to the base unit; and

  • Subclassing Unit to define a new dimension.

New units can be defined as combinations of existing units using the Unit.mult and Unit.per methods.

Per<Voltage, Distance> VoltsPerInch = Volts.per(Inch);
Velocity<Mass> KgPerSecond = Kilograms.per(Second);
Mult<Mass, Velocity<Velocity<Distance>> Newtons = Kilograms.mult(MetersPerSecondSquared);

Using mult and per will store the resulting unit. Every call will return the same object to avoid unnecessary allocations and garbage collector pressure.

public void robotPeriodic() {
  // Feet.per(Millisecond) creates a new unit on the first loop,
  // which will be reused on every successive loop
  SmartDashboard.putNumber("Speed", m_drivebase.getSpeed().in(Feet.per(Millisecond)));


Calling Unit.per(Time) will return a Velocity unit, which is different from and incompatible with a Per unit!

New dimensions can also be created by subclassing Unit and implementing the two constructors. Note that Unit is also a parameterized generic type, where the generic type argument is self-referential; Distance is a Unit<Distance>. This is what allows us to have stronger guarantees in the type system to prevent conversions between unrelated dimensions.

public class ElectricCharge extends Unit<ElectricCharge> {
  public ElectricCharge(double baseUnitEquivalent, String name, String symbol) {
    super(ElectricCharge.class, baseUnitEquivalent, name, symbol);

  // required for derivation with Milli, Kilo, etc.
  public ElectricCharge(UnaryFunction toBaseConverter, UnaryFunction fromBaseConverter, String name, String symbol) {
     super(ElectricCharge.class, toBaseConverter, fromBaseConverter, name, symbol);

public static final ElectricCharge Coulomb = new ElectricCharge(1, "Coulomb", "C");
public static final ElectricCharge ElectronCharge = new ElectricCharge(1.60217646e-19, "Electron Charge", "e");
public static final ElectricCharge AmpHour = new ElectricCharge(3600, "Amp Hour", "Ah");
public static final ElectricCharge MilliampHour = Milli(AmpHour);