Using the LabVIEW Dashboard with C++, Java, or Python Code#

The default LabVIEW Dashboard utilizes NetworkTables to pass values and is therefore compatible with C++, Java, and Python robot programs. This article covers the keys and value ranges to use to work with the Dashboard.

Drive Tab#


The Select Autonomous… dropdown can be used so show the available autonomous routines and choose one to run for the match.

SmartDashboard.putStringArray("Auto List", {"Drive Forwards", "Drive Backwards", "Shoot"});

// At the beginning of auto
String autoName = SmartDashboard.getString("Auto Selector", "Drive Forwards") // This would make "Drive Forwards the default auto
switch(autoName) {
   case "Drive Forwards":
   // auto here
   case "Drive Backwards":
   // auto here
   case "Shoot":
   // auto here
frc::SmartDashboard::PutStringArray("Auto List", {"Drive Forwards", "Drive Backwards", "Shoot"});

// At the beginning of auto
String autoName = SmartDashboard.GetString("Auto Selector", "Drive Forwards") // This would make "Drive Forwards the default auto
switch(autoName) {
   case "Drive Forwards":
   // auto here
   case "Drive Backwards":
   // auto here
   case "Shoot":
   // auto here
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

SmartDashboard.putStringArray("Auto List", ["Drive Forwards", "Drive Backwards", "Shoot"])

# At the beginning of auto
autoName = SmartDashboard.getString("Auto Selector", "Drive Forwards") # This would make "Drive Forwards the default auto
match autoName:
   case "Drive Forwards":
      # auto here
   case "Drive Backwards":
      # auto here
   case "Shoot":
      # auto here

Sending to the ”Gyro“ NetworkTables entry will populate the gyro here.

SmartDashboard.putNumber("Gyro", drivetrain.getHeading());
frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Gyro", Drivetrain.GetHeading());
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

SmartDashboard.putNumber("Gyro", self.drivetrain.getHeading())

There are four outputs that show the motor power to the drivetrain. This is configured for 2 motors per side and a tank style drivetrain. This is done by setting ”RobotDrive Motors“ like the example below.

SmartDashboard.putNumberArray("RobotDrive Motors", {drivetrain.getLeftFront(), drivetrain.getRightFront(), drivetrain.getLeftBack(), drivetrain.getRightBack()});
frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumberArray("Gyro", {drivetrain.GetLeftFront(), drivetrain.GetRightFront(), drivetrain.GetLeftBack(), drivetrain.GetRightBack()});
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

SmartDashboard.putNumberArray("RobotDrive Motors", [self.drivetrain.getLeftFront(), self.drivetrain.getRightFront(), self.drivetrain.getLeftBack(), self.drivetrain.getRightBack()])

Basic Tab#


The Basic tab uses a number of keys in the a ”DB“ sub-table to send/receive Dashboard data. The LED’s are output only, the other fields are all bi-directional (send or receive).



The strings are labeled top-to-bottom, left-to-right from ”DB/String 0“ to ”DB/String 9“. Each String field can display at least 21 characters (exact number depends on what characters). To write to these strings:

SmartDashboard.putString("DB/String 0", "My 21 Char TestString");
frc::SmartDashboard::PutString("DB/String 0", "My 21 Char TestString");
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

SmartDashboard.putString("DB/String 0", "My 21 Char TestString")

To read string data entered on the Dashboard:

String dashData = SmartDashboard.getString("DB/String 0", "myDefaultData");
std::string dashData = frc::SmartDashboard::GetString("DB/String 0", "myDefaultData");
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

dashData = SmartDashboard.getString("DB/String 0", "myDefaultData")

Buttons and LEDs#


The Buttons and LEDs are boolean values and are labeled top-to-bottom from ”DB/Button 0“ to ”DB/Button 3“ and ”DB/LED 0“ to ”DB/LED 3“. The Buttons are bi-directional, the LEDs are only able to be written from the Robot and read on the Dashboard. To write to the Buttons or LEDs:

SmartDashboard.putBoolean("DB/Button 0", true);
frc::SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("DB/Button 0", true);
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

SmartDashboard.putBoolean("DB/Button 0", true)

To read from the Buttons: (default value is false)

boolean buttonValue = SmartDashboard.getBoolean("DB/Button 0", false);
bool buttonValue = frc::SmartDashboard::GetBoolean("DB/Button 0", false);
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

buttonValue = SmartDashboard.getBoolean("DB/Button 0", false)



The Sliders are bi-directional analog (double) controls/indicators with a range from 0 to 5. To write to these indicators:

SmartDashboard.putNumber("DB/Slider 0", 2.58);
frc::SmartDashboard::PutNumber("DB/Slider 0", 2.58);
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

SmartDashboard.putNumber("DB/Slider 0", 2.58)

To read values from the Dashboard into the robot program: (default value of 0.0)

double dashData = SmartDashboard.getNumber("DB/Slider 0", 0.0);
double dashData = frc::SmartDashboard::GetNumber("DB/Slider 0", 0.0);
from wpilib import SmartDashboard

dashData = SmartDashboard.getNumber("DB/Slider 0", 0.0)