pyproject.toml usage#


RobotPy projects are not required to have a pyproject.toml, but when you run robotpy sync one will automatically be created for you.

pyproject.toml has become a standard way to store build and tooling configuration for Python projects. The [tool.XXX] section(s) of the TOML file is a place where tools can store their configuration information.

Currently RobotPy only stores deployment related information in pyproject.toml, in the [tool.robotpy] section. Users can customize the other sections however they want, and robotpy will ignore them.

The pyproject.toml file looks something like this:

# Use this configuration file to control what RobotPy packages are installed
# on your RoboRIO


# Version of robotpy this project depends on
robotpy_version = "2024.2.1.0"

# Which extra RobotPy components should be installed
# -> equivalent to `pip install robotpy[extra1, ...]
robotpy_extras = [
    # "all"
    # "apriltag"
    # "commands2"
    # "cscore"
    # "navx"
    # "pathplannerlib"
    # "phoenix5"
    # "phoenix6"
    # "playingwithfusion"
    # "rev"
    # "romi"
    # "sim"

# Other pip packages to install
requires = []

Each of the following will instruct the deploy process to install packages to the roboRIO:

robotpy_version is the version of the robotpy PyPI package that this robot code depends on.

robotpy_extras defines extra RobotPy components that can be installed, as only the core RobotPy libraries are installed by default.

requires is a list of strings, and each item is equivalent to a line of a requirements.txt file. You can install any pure python packages on the roboRIO and they will likely work, but any packages that have binary dependencies must be cross-compiled for the roboRIO. For example, if you needed to use numpy in your robot code:



requires = ["numpy"]

The packages that can be installed are stored on the WPILib Artifactory server. If you find that you need a package that isn’t available on artifactory, consult the roborio-wheels repository.